Home General How Do You Determine Food Intolerances?

How Do You Determine Food Intolerances?

Source: sucroseintolerance.com

Food intolerances are relatively frequent, and almost every one of us must have suffered from it when the food we eat irritates the gastrointestinal tract. In addition to that, it is believed that about 20% of the planet’s population suffers from food intolerance.

Food intolerance arises when food disturbs the GI tract, and you can not digest the food properly because of a shortage of essential enzymes. Due to the vast spectrum of symptoms, it can be difficult to determine food intolerances. Though there are plenty of signs, most of them affect your digestive tract, respiratory system, and your skin.

Most Common Symptoms That Can Determine Food Intolerances

One best way to diagnose food intolerance is by getting a food intolerance test from a nearby clinic. Apart from taking tests or going to the hospital, it is possible to know whether you are suffering from food intolerance with a few symptoms. Here, we have listed the most common warning signs or symptoms closely associated with food intolerances.


Source: medicalnewstoday.com

It is relatively common when you are suffering from food intolerance. You might have watery, loose, or runny stools, which occur repeatedly.


Source: smartblood.co.uk

It happens when the food you eat is not digested appropriately or if it disturbs the GI tract. It leads to a further buildup of excess gas in your intestines and stomach.

Abdominal Pain

Source: netdoctor.co.uk

As the food is not digested well, you are likely to get abdominal pain. In general, the pain or discomfort can be mild to drastic.


Source: myguthealthtoday.com

Rashes occur if you are highly intolerant to the food. Your skin might have a momentary outburst of red, rough, or prickly areas of skin. Sometimes, blisters and welts can arise as well.


Source: healthline.com

Another symptom associated with food intolerance is headaches. You might feel pain, which can be mild to terrible, depending on the effect of intolerance.

Nausea and Fatigue

Source: medicalnewstoday.com

You might feel nauseous, which leads to stomach irritation and the feeling of vomiting. Fatigue is retaining less energy, feeling sleepy excessively, and you might become extra tired.

Runny nose, flushing of the skin, excessive reflux are also a few closely related symptoms of food intolerance. Food intolerance can also cause headaches and heartburn. Some research has connected it to changes in mood like irritability, anxiousness, and also joint pain. Food intolerance symptoms often appear when you consume intolerant food in exorbitant amounts or eat it regularly.

Bottom Line

If you think that you are exhibiting these symptoms and are experiencing uncomfortable sensations in your stomach, you are likely to suffer from food intolerance. Hence, make sure to get the right medication and eat the recommended food to tone down the effects of food intolerance. However, if the problem seems severe or you are suffering from food intolerances on a regular basis, it is best to visit a doctor.


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